EAP Critical Incident Response | Robert Douglas and Associates
EAP CIR: Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach
Next Live Zoom Training:
March 25 & 26, 2025
1:00-5:00 EST
EAP CIR Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach

EAP CIR: Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach
Certified MSRA Trainer
RDA is authorizing EAP professionals to be Certified MSRA Trainers!

Since its release in 2013, MSRA has become the preferred EAP response approach for EAPs. EAPs value this approach because it is consistent with the EAP Mission and is adaptable to the nuance of the various cultures and multi-stakeholders involved. Taking this one step further, every EAP is nuanced as well. To meet the unique needs of every EAP, RDA has been providing coaching and team trainings to customize this approach to each EAP's specific delivery of CIR services. What has evolved from this is the request by EAPs to have a designated, internal professional to provide their own trainings, using MSRA and modifying it to their unique needs. While RDA is in full agreement with this organic next step, the challenge has been to create the process that empowers EAPs without compromising the integrity of the training. Much is at risk for both the provider and survivor's wellness. Nonetheless, I think this is the right move and feel confident we have found a process that will serve all the stakeholders.
Like all successful positions or responsibilities, its important to have the right person in the right position. This applies here as well. The ideal person is one with EAP (internal, external, hybrid) and CIR experience, preferably trained in MSRA. Has management consultation experience and is a sound clinician. Has been in a supervisory role and presented trainings. These are your candidates that always volunteer to go onsite when needed. They actually like this work. When you refer a candidate (s), here is the progression to become certified:
Pre-certified MSRA Trainer
Upon enrollment candidate receives workbook which contains slides with preferred dialogue.
Candidate is enrolled in the next Live Zoom MSRA training or on-demand training depending on scheduling. Passes post-test.
Completes on-demand Ethics training
Completes on-demand Virtual EAP CIR training
Critiques on-demand EAP CIR MSRA training for integration, makes recommendations.
Presentation amended by RDA as needed. (Optional, 2 hours included).
Supervised MSRA Trainer
Candidate is enrolled in quarterly Certified MSRA Trainer Zoom calls
Review recent CIR requests with peers
Share lessons learned
Identify need for new training content
Individual Mentoring
Every two months (first year)
As needed.
Certified MSRA Trainer
Attend Zoom Calls
Mentoring as needed
Bi-yearly on-demand MSRA training
Additional benefits of having a Certified MSRA Trainer for your EAP CIR Team:
Access to RDA's on-demand trainings at a discount.
Consultation with RDA
Assistance with Geo coverage of external responders
How this Works
Eligible candidates will attend and complete a Train the Trainer workshop. MSRA will be presented and reviewed in its entirety. Special attention is given to the material on Resilience, its integration into the intervention process and the Resiliency Group. Each trainee brings their own experiences with them to be integrated into their training style. Training certificates are issued at the conclusion of the training.
RDA offers trainers its full support in creating successful events. Trainers retain all proceeds from the events they deliver. All materials to complement successful workshops are accessible at trainer rates including: workbooks, Certificates of Advanced Training, PDH/CE's, and the book, EAP CIR A Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach.
In addition, RDA offers centralized online registration for all events. This allows cross promotion to a wider audience. Trainers are responsible for venue setting and marketing.
The cost of the train the trainer workshop is 850.00. Once completed, Advanced MSRA trainers can set registration fees for their venues and retain all registration fees.
As an Advanced MSRA Trainer, you provide services as an independent contractor licensed to provide this training and all related materials. The first year's license is included in the initial cost. Extending your license beyond this is 200.00 per year.
We expect to run with a limited number of trainers per geographic region to maximize your training opportunities. All interested parties should fill out an application. Selection will be determined by the above qualifications.