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Advanced EAP CIR MSRA Trainer

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RDA is looking for qualified trainers to provide workshops around the globe on the

Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach.

Since its release in 2013, MSRA has become the preferred EAP response approach for EAPs. While we have reached many EAPs across the country, both internal and external, including affiliate providers, there is still much work to do. Quite frankly, I cannot train everybody and there are many more to go. Here lies the opportunity for the right professionals.

RDA is looking for experienced EAP professionals interested in carrying the message of Resilience into the EAP response field with the full support of RDA.


1. Training in the Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach.

2.  CEAP- This is an EAP centric approach. Teaching the mission of EAP is just as important as the response approach and so the CEAP certification is strongly preferred. Your audience will consist of all the moving parts of EAP.

3.  Additional training- We recommend trainers have background in other response models as well.  Specifically, PFA and CISM.  This enriches the training by being able to compare and contrast, and tailor response for specific populations and workplace cultures.

4. 5 years response experience. Feedback from attendees cite presentor response examples from various critical incidents as extememly helpful and enriching to the presentation.

5. Recommended active response. We encourage trainers to also be providing response services using MSRA within their role.

6. Complete a train the trainer seminar.

If you feel you would be a great trainer, but fall short on the qualifications, make your case in the application.

How this Works

Eligible candidates will attend and complete a Train the Trainer workshop.  MSRA will be presented and reviewed in its entirety. Special attention is given to the material on Resilience, its integration into the intervention process and the Resiliency Group. Each trainee brings their own experiences with them to be integrated into their training style. Training certificates are issued at the conclusion of the training.

RDA offers trainers its full support in creating successful events. Trainers retain all proceeds from the events they deliver. All materials to complement successful workshops are accessible at trainer rates including: workbooks, Certificates of Advanced Training, PDH/CE's, and the book, EAP CIR A Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach.

In addition, RDA offers centralized online registration for all events.  This allows cross promotion to a wider audience. Trainers are responsible for venue setting and marketing.


The cost of the train the trainer workshop is 850.00. Once completed, Advanced MSRA trainers can set registration fees for their venues and retain all registration fees.

As an Advanced MSRA Trainer, you provide services as an independent contractor licensed to provide this training and all related materials.  The first year's license is included in the initial cost. Extending your license beyond this is 200.00 per year.

We expect to run with a limited number of trainers per geographic region to maximize your training opportunities. All interested parties should fill out an application. Selection will be determined by the above qualifications.

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