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NBCC Evaluation

To complete the Responding to an Employee Death evaluation delivered on 5/3/19.

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Robert Douglas and Associates has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6980.  Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified.  Robert Douglas and Associates is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

More EAP Trainings

The Resilience Continuum

The most comprehensive EAP CIR training. Learn:

  1. Pre-Incident, Strengthening Dual-Client Resilience.

  2. Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach- All the interventions, all the moving parts.

  3. Post-Incident- Sustaining Resilience-Resilience Boosters

6.5 CE/PDH


Next Virtual Workshop: TBA


Multi-Systemic Resiliency Approach-On Demand

The process of Resilience has already begun before an organization contacts their EAP. This is a fundamental principle if you are going to be successful providing EAP CIR. In this training you will learn:
  • Core clinical components in EAP CIR
  • Integration of CIR techniques with the EAP mission.
  • Practical EAP onsite interventions to coordinate the multiple systems engaged in response activity
Live coaching, post training is required.
6.5 CEs available

EAP Affiliate Practice- A Step4 Training

Complete the 4 STEPS and earn the Certificate of Specialized Training as an EAP Affliliate Practitioner.  The first STEP is FREE!.

STEP 1- Is EAP Right for my Professional Goals? Find out if this is right for you before you invest. If it is, move on to the next steps.

STEP 2- Fundamental Proficiencies of an EAP Affiliate Provider

STEP 3- Advanced Skillset of an EAP Affiliate

STEP 4- Expanding your Brand

This training integrates the results of the 2019 EAP Affiliate Provider Survey highlighting provider experiences when working with EAPs. See what they are saying...


Ethical EAP CIR

Working in an chaotic environment where trauma is contagious, systems are disrupted, and information is fluid, adds additional challenges in providing response in an ethical manner. A sound decision making process is necessary to resolve ethical dilemmas.  This training discusses a decision making process and applies this to common ethical dilemmas when providing onsite EAP CIR.

Soon to be Released

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